Archive for January, 2007

I will not draw as i am told


Welcome to the Damrak 16!

thE ButtKrAaker Cabaret


a wild nigHt of

genDerfuCk, tRans, dYke, faG, quEer, quEer-heaRted, Frigid, aSexUal, tRashy, CeLiBate, gaMes, caBaret, diSco, aRT, peRformAnce, iNstallation…+more

19th JaNuaRi 07

dOors oPen 22:00 : caBaret sTarts midniGht

daMage: 2 eurO

(nO Entry during caBaret so come eArly!)

coMe dRessed uP tO gEt a SpecIal tReat!

this month featuRing: loRetta lynN, gOlden shower shaDow, VJ NUNSwGUNS, launch of Animal issuE of SLIT: dyKe seX mAg (

…+more, more, more

if you’Ve got an Itch tO sTrut Your stuFf: cOme earLy on tHe night & adD yR oWn pErformance/inStallatioN…

oR cOntact:

oPeRaTiNg tHeAtRe

A weekly cinema program with dinner, bar, discussions, streams, performances, live music, action and interaction.


If you are interested, if you want to partecipate, help out, contribute…
come around at 18:30, or email:

OPEN CALL: send your autoproductions to the Cheque Point Change
We select films, shorts, performances and installations to be shown in the Damrak 16 public space.


Operating Theatre and Video Out present:


A Night Of Queer Short Films
representing the best of Vancouver’s queer video makers:

Tuesday January 16th

Damrak 16

open: 19:00 voku: 19:30 films: 20:00

Featuring artists:
Thirza Cuthland Sepideh Sali
Maya Seus Lisa G
Randy Lee Cutler James Diamond
Christ Street Wayne Yung
Dayna MacLeod Velveeta Krisp
Miss Nomer Collective Mark Kenneth Woods

Video Out is a non-profit, artist-run distribution centre that has distributed artists’ tapes to festivals, galleries, educational institutions, broadcasters, and individuals since 1980. There are over one thousand four hundred art works and documentaries available for licensing. The works in the collection have been produced independently on video or digital formats and date back to the origins of media art production in British Columbia. Video Out plays a key role in maintaining the history of Western Canadian media art and promoting its future. Curators for this unique screening are Jen Fisher and Coral Short. These ladies will present some of the finest Vancouver short queer video pieces for your viewing pleasure.
image: still from mark kenneth woods – my heart belongs to data