EXERCISE 1: Can you create a sofware with this menu? : Hello! What is your name? Name: The user'll insert something. Hello USER_NAME! Pls, tell me what I can do: (for or while or quit) Command: If the user doesn't write "for", "while" or "quit", this sofware shows that menu again. If the user writes "quit", the software prints a goodbye message and quits. If the user writes "for" or "while" it shows this other menu: Well... Tell me the first number and the second one: Numbers: The user must insert 2 numbers and the software prints the list of numbers between the minor to the major one. Later, the software restarts with the previous menu. In this software you MUST use: for, switch, while, if, printf, and scanf, and strcmp. EXERCISE 2 I need a software called "reverter". It works like this example: Tell me a word: informations The invert is: snoitamrofni The length is: 12 The major character is: 't' The minor: 'a' The ordered characters are: afiimnnoots The last line is optional.